Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 in Review.. ready for 2010

Well this by far was the worst Holiday season ever.. realizing my Mom would not be around for this Christmas, or any Christmas again.. was really really hard... I miss her a lot.. and not a day goes by I don't think about her..  New Years in tomorrow.. and I plan to get drunker than a skunk.. why?? 1. because New Years was my Mom and I's holiday.. we both had that partying gene.. and that was the one night it was OK for us to show it to the fullest.. and we did.. We always had such fun together on New Years.. and I would like to think she will be looking down on me from Heaven this New Years and hopefully smiling.. 2. 2009 has been the most hectic year of my life, some of it good, but also a lot bad,, and a lot in between...
Lets see: I got engaged, moved twice, changed jobs 3 times, dealt with my grandfathers cancer, had an ovarian cyst the size of a golfball rupture and ended up in the hospital, and had the best day of my life: My Wedding Day, and also the worst day of my life, the day I lost the woman who gave me life, the most important woman in the world to me due to a blood clot.. my mother. (I love you Momma!)

Now that I am in absolute tears, I am just beyond ready for this year to be over.. I just pray to the Lord above that 2010 will be a much better brighter year.. Hopefully one that will welcome the birth of a little one to call my own..

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