Tuesday, December 15, 2009

ugggh AF, an evap line, & a missing kitty.. ):

Soo.. I usually try my best to be the positive person that everyone knows me as.. and I am trying very very hard right now.  But,, AAHHHHH! if you will.. TTC is so damn frustrating!

So I gave into temptation 2 days ago.. and I got what at first glance looked like a negative.. but then wait! A very very very faint line! Even though it was so faint I could no where near consider it a positive by any means.. a part of me got a little excited.. So, I was hoping for the best, and planned on testing 2 days later (which would have been today)

Then yesterday DH and I got home from work about 3. To discover that 2 out of 3 of our kitties got out and ran away.. one of which was my baby who DH got for me our first valentines day together.. she is like a child to me.. the other one is like our shared kitty.. well we couldn't find them anywhere.. and we were both kind of freaking out!

So then I go inside to pee.. and bam! What do we have here?? spotting! oh yay!

Well by the next morning the spotting turned into a full flow and we are off to cycle number 5!!

But it is soo strange because I have never started this early.. but DH and I both thing it could be due to the imense stress with moving, the 2 month anniversary of my Mom's death, and everything else that has been going on with the Holidays and DHs friend being in town..

Long story short I guess my evap line was just a line of false hope ): So, here we go again.. Well better luck this time hopefully?

At this point we have found my cat.. and still looking for the other one.. So wish us luck!

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