Sunday, December 6, 2009

First post.. (My life in a nutshell)

So this is my first blog post.. so maybe I should tell you a little about myself???

Well, I am happily married (newleywed August 29th 2009) My husband is a wonderful man that I have been with my whole adult life and I couldn't imagine life without him. He is my soulmate, my bestfriend, and my angel. He makes me smile and laugh daily. We are big goofs together, and I think ppl think we are a little ecentric, but we love our life!

We our TTC with all of our might, and I am pretty sure it is making me an emotional wreck to be honest.

I am also an emotional wreck right now due to the recent passing of my Mom on October 14th 2009. It still hurts like hell every damn day. She died unexpected of a massive biolateral pulmonary thrombosis associated with a DVT and Factor V Laiden. I talked to her that morning at 8am (even thought about going out to see her) She was fine, we just bullshitted like everyother day.. and then BAM! by 3pm she was gone, and I would never get to see her again. I still kills me, and I am still not sure how long it will take me to get over it (or if I ever will) but, I still try to stay positive, that is my persona after all.

People always tell me I am one of the happiest, positive people they have ever met. And I try to be. I try to live everyday to its fullest because you never know which day could be your last!! But lately the whole positive outlook thing has been becoming a bit harder, I am sure it is just a temporary thing, and it will get better in time.

As for the rest of my life..

I am a PBX operator at a local hospital.

I live in Beaufort SC

I have 3 cats that are like my children-
Nellie (my baby) bday- 02/19/2008
Grace bday- 04/20/2008
Priscilla bday- 04/20/2008

I have 5 sisters and 1 brother
Megan- cousin that my Dad adopted- 3 years older
Dallas- stepsister from Dad- 2 years younger
Zak- stepbrother from Dad- 6 years younger
Madison- halfsister from Dad- 9 years younger
Haylie- halfsister from Mom- 11 years younger
Makenzie- halfsister from Mom- 15 years younger

Since my Mom has passed away I am the primary mother figure in my 2 littlest sisters lives. I enjoy every minute of it, and as much as I love being their mother figure, I still can't wait to have my own! (Hey at least I know I can handle it now!!)

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