Sunday, December 6, 2009

Damn you chart!!! and F you 2 emotions!

Fuckin Aye!!! This thing is annoying the shit out of me this cycle.  I have never (and I mean never!!) had a chart that looked like this!! A perfect V??? I deff think my thermometer is broke! My temp goes up by like 0.185 everyday.. and right now it is saying my temp was higher this morning than it has ever been besides when I had the flu! And, I don't think I am sick right now!! uggghh!!! So besides that, and having no idea when I Od today was great! lol

My husband, myself, and his best friend who is in from Cleveland went to the Christmas parade downtown today.  And I think I cried 5 or 6 times.. not good at all! lol

Everytime I saw a baby or toddler that was doing something cute (which includes waving, dancing, singing ect) I cried.  I also cried when the little cub scouts and cheerleaders went passed.  I told my husband it was because I want a LO to have doing all that fun stuff! I can't wait to see my child enjoying life, and in the back of my mind there is this undying fear that will never happen, no matter how irrational that fear may be. With all that being said it was a wonderful parade, and I really enjoyed it!

Also today I hooked up one of my coworkers (a 28 year old who has never even been kissed) with my husband's best friend who is here from out of town (a major partier who is moving down here in Jan. and travels with Grateful Dead all summer) on a double date with the us.  It surprisingly enough worked out wonderful, and they seem really into eachother.  They both told me they like eachother a lot, and I am kinda super proud of myself for the hookup! I think they might be good for eachother (he can liven her up and she can tune him down type of thing) but we will see! But we had a good time going out to eat! 3 cheese chicken penne was amazing (yes applebees)

So now I am at work.. blah!

Off tomorrow! Yay!

All in all its been a pretty good day!

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