Monday, December 21, 2009

It is like falling in love all over again..

I don't know what exactly it has been lately, but with things going somewhat back to normal.. it seems like John and I are realizing more than ever how important the time we have together is.

I think sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life you loose yourself (and sometimes forget what it feels like to just stop and look at your life) And I have been trying a bit harder to stop lately.. and for the most part I am liking what I see.. we are only missing one thing.. and that is a baby to call our own..

I feel like we are in the 1st month again.. I just love to kiss my wonderful husband, and look into his adoring eyes.. I think I forgot how truely lucky I am that I have found true love with such a wonerful person.  In our wedding vows we said, "I love you more than all the stars in all the skies." And that is 100% true, I realize that I love him more and more everyday..

Maybe it is also TTC that is bringing us closer.. reality is setting in that things aren't working! And with our previous issues that maybe something could be wrong..

At this point we are just trying our hardest to stay optimistic.. but it is hard not to worry.. and we talk about it openly together.. and we are trying to do anything and everything to improve our fertility.. and he is really stepping up to the plate.. and I am ssoo proud of him! It makes me so happy that he wants a family with me just as much as i do with him..

Now, it is just up to God to give us that.. so at this point all we can do is pray.. and wait for this cycle to end... (hopefully with a BFP) but either way I have a Drs appt on the 20th of January... and hopefully we can at least start getting some answers.. or figure out where to go from here..

Most of the time they make ppl wait until they have been trying a year, but since I have had ovarian cysts, family blood clotting issues, and I have had 1 m/c and a son who was still born, she wants to make sure that there isn't any issues that have made it not work so far.. because if we don't have our BFP then, it will be cycle 6..

Well wish me luck! As i wish all you the same.. I am truely grateful for all that I do have.. I just can't help but to ask for one more thing..

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