Sunday, January 17, 2010

Some updates.....

So where are we now??

-I am starting a new job as an accounting clerk (YAY) more money, better hours, better benefits, no holidays and I love doing the work so I am SUPER SUPER EXCITED!!

-We are officially in our 6th cycle! BOOO! That is a depressing reality that I am having a hard time dealing with.  Everyday I just keep wondering more and more if there is something wrong. I mean I am ovulating, I have a good length LP, regular cycles, we are fairly healthy, but Lord only knows what could be going on inside of me. At this point I am still trying to stay optimistice but it is really hard!

Other than that everything is all good in the Behnke household. We love the new house but the only problem is with me working 2 jobs until my 2 week notice is up on the 27th, I never have time to clean it, so it is pretty much a But I hope to catch up on all that tomorrow.

We are going bowling with friends of ours tomorrow (I am the best matchmaker in the world, I hooked DHs best buddy from Ohio up with one of my coworkers down here, and they fell so hard for eachother that now he lives down here) Go me! lol
But I am excited about just going out and doing something fun with friends, DH and I don't get a whole lot of time off and relaxation time so this is a big deal to us.

For the future we are still trying to get a little healthier, go to church more, and just pray more. We are hoping that the Lord will hear our prayers and bless us with a LO that we can teach his word very soon! I also am starting to drink Green tea (hoping that will help with somethings on the CM side) and working out more, maybe loosing a little weight can help my fertility.

Well we will see!

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